17 weeks out of rotator cuff, clavicle and AC joint repair surgery! This week's bench was 305lbs for 5x5 and I got 8 on the last one! I could've gone for 10 but it would've hurt some I think... I've already been asked how I am improving as fast as I have been. I'll tell you now- it doesn't feel that progressing that fast! However, I'll still try to answer! 1st thing I'd tell you is listen to your doctor! If they suck-pick another one, but you need them! They're part of your team! So be honest with them. I told mine up front I wasn't interested in benching 400@198 I could do that alone-I want 500lbs raw and 600lbs in the shirt! My doctor has gotten regular updates in how I'm doing and what I'm doing! Videos included! 2nd make a plan! Show it to your doctor and your trainer. Don't have one? Get one! All of us need one! I have 3 people I hold very close: Justin Rogers, Corbyn Arnold, and my 15 year old daughter, Aspen Shirley (She sees more than you'll ever know!). Make sure everyone is on the same page and they agree! This means these people need to be the type that will be honest with you no matter what! 3rd stay with the plan! No exceptions! On those days when everything is great and you feel 100% don't deviate from the plan! On those days when you feel wrong- nothing feels right--walk away! Live to fight another day! Who cares if everything gets pushed back a day---or even a week! Stay with the plan! Last-make your goals small and reachable! Don't put a date on the final goal--Just keep moving toward it! There is nothing wrong with taking your time as long as it's not a excuse for you to be lazy! And just so you know, I've done everything my doctor and OT has said to do. Need help? look at these guys writing on here! They're a wealth of information! WELCOME TO THE PG!