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Continuing education, because you can't learn too much.

At this stage in my life I feel I could learn more than I know about most thing including powerlifting. Today, setting up to squat in one of the racks two college kids were training their bench press in the neighboring rack. One was wearing a powerlifting event T shirt and i'm sure I've seen the other compete locally. This got my attention and I couldn't help but listen in to the conversation. One was explaining why it's better to high-bar squat than low-bar. Apparantly the high-bar puts your body in a better position, "in case you get in trouble and need to dump the bar it is more likely to clear your body". It gets better. The dynamic duo went on to the deadlift platform. One commented that he had pulled yesterday and was pulling heavy tomorrow. Not sure what the goal for today was but they had me totally destracted. The deadlift bar was already loaded with the Rogue "wagon wheels" but one had to be removed and turned around. It was on backwards(?). During the constant banter between the two, one stated that he hated knurling on a bar because it causes calluses on his hands. Why must they put that on there when it causes such a negative side effect I had to ask myself. Straining to focus on my own efforts I couldnt help but watch thier progression on the deadlift bar. Starting with just the wheels then adding a 45 to each side they eventually worked up to wheels, 45, 45, 25, 25 on each side. On the final set they removed the two 25's and replaced with one 45. I really don't think they were intentionally reducing the total weight by 10 lbs. but moving up. I felt the need to eventually aproach them and share info on an upcoming deadlift for charity event. Since they're deadlifting daily they might want to get involved and it might help them to be around more knowledgable lifters. They kept the conversation very brief then rudely ignored me and went about their training. Maybe they didn't want me too close and learn the secret training methods. I managed to get a decent training day in even with the destraction of info overload from my neighbors. My partner was not happy with me and my lack of focus. When environment is everything sometimes you become a victom of it.

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