The new golden age of powerlifting?

There is no doubt there was once a golden age of powerlifting. We’ve read about it and seen the videos. A few have lived during and participated in it. Some believe it was a time that will never be experienced again. Arguments why powerlifting will never excel again are produced regularly. The “too many feds” or “only one fed” chants along with one world championship are spoken often and from well respected and experienced lifters. I agree those magical days wont be duplicated but have hope, I think we are experiencing a new golden age.
The reason we will never have only one federation is why we had two in the first place. From the ones I’ve personally talked with the main reason for a split was drug use. Those who weren't enhanced didn’t accept the growing use and a new fed is born. This is a long story in a nut shell and I’m sure other things contributed to the growth of the many feds we have now. Although the many feds may not be necessary but the options available far out weigh a one fed concept. For a moment limit the options to a one fed. Several opposing issues; tested/non tested, monolifts/ER racks, same day/24 weigh in. Meet locations and size of meets, expense to compete and local exposure to new lifters are things that would be very different. The ability of most to cross feds also gives a chance to compete when at peak/healthy training permits.
The local backyard meets are also often questioned. These are necessary to the growth of sport and development of new lifters. An apples and oranges comparison, what if an adolescence Tiger Woods was never exposed to golf or had a course available. The super talent would have never been realized and developed. How many MLB, NFL and NBA players started at the local diamond, Friday night football and the schools hardwood house of hoops? Waves of young men and women are developing their power skills under now experienced lifters all over the state. Their gyms are giving them the chance to take the first step in training and competing. I will say this, once a lifter has become the big fish at his gym he needs to venture out and compete with similar fish in a bigger pond. If not they will never see their true potential.
A federation “World Championship” often mistaken for a “ World Championship” is something that will never go away. The real championship has been replaced by the money meet. The big money attracts the worlds best and is a deserving chance for these real athletes to finally earn payback for the investments and sacrifices they have endured. Look at the very recent 2018 Kern Open. The top man Yury Belkin, a 242 class/2259.7 total/611 Wilks and the top woman C.C. Holcomb a 181/1587.3 total/664 Wilks both took home $40,000 for the win. Both had tough, top competitors rivaling anything called a World Championship. The “Big Dogs” events in Australia has its 3rd big money meet coming. The top 10 listed competitors have raw totals from 2375 to 2512. That’s World Championship caliber I’d say.
Welcome to the new golden age, a rebirth and growth of a great sport. The modern age offers us front row seats and birds eye view to competition and training of the worlds best. Buckle up and hang on, its gonna be a crazy ride.