“I try to avoid supplements. Is creatine really something I need to take?”

Creatine is one of the oldest, most recognized and researched supplements on the market. It really has great benefits and I think if you are lifting weights you should be using it. It enhances recovery and anaerobic capacity, can speed up muscle growth, it’s help with producing energy also improves high intensity performance, reduces fatigue and there are NUMEROUS neuro protective effects. That said most people don’t know that there are different forms of creatine they can purchase. Whatever the form one of the main things you want is the most pure (meaning no shit added). The more pure the more effective. There is one creatine I know of that has been tested to be over 99%
pure and when used it will say “Creapure” on the label. Be aware that some folks are non responders to certain forms. So when one says “creatine doesn’t work” they may be taking the wrong form or not enough. Alright let’s look at some of the more common different forms of creatine. Most people use creatine monohydrate. It is cheap and doesn’t require a loading phase which is cool… but there are some downsides. It isn’t soluble in water (think gritty drank) and you have to drink right away because it becomes less effective the longer it is in water, it has a low surface area which decreases uptake into the muscle (only getting about 1% into your body), can cause some people to get “puffy” due to increase in water weight and bloat, and some people get bubble guts when taking . Studies have shown that 1/5 people are non responders to creatine monohydrate and it’s the most popular one used!—EH, there has to be a better version. Micronized creatine is basically the same as monohydrate. Less stomach upset and a larger surface area, but requires a loading phase. EH, not my fave. Creatine citrate tends to be more absorbable due to increased solubility and causes less stomach discomfort, but it is expensive and you have to basically take double the dose to get the effects of monohydrate. Again, EH. Creatine orate is kind of complicated. It has been shown to decrease fatigue and provide the user with more energy, but it is hella expensive and there aren’t very many studies showing effects. No, thanks. I am not a fan of creatine mixes.. too many ingredients that aren’t regulated in one mix. I find mixes always tend to throw cheaper ingredients in there as fillers and I’m not into that. NONE of the above are what I would recommend if someone asked me which one to purchase and use. What I would recommend is: CREATINE ETHYL ESTER (CEE) !! This form has an increased absorption due to an ester attached to the creatine. All user respond this form and no loading phase is necessary, or maintenance or cycling phase. It does not cause any GI upset or water retention! You can pretty much find it for a price comparable to monohydrate if you look around, too. This shit is bitter. Like pretty bad. You can get capsules if you can’t man up. I haven’t found any scientific literature to help with dosage of CEE. Considering it is more absorbable the standard equation for monohydrate is void (Bodyweight in pounds x 0.15= grams per day split up). What I have looked subtracting the non soluble form of monohydrate. Which for most folks who are of a decent leanness is ~2-3 g. Stay hungry…. Brookie G, RDN