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Having a crew

Nick Ramey

When I look back on what directly impacted my success in Powerlifting, I think about having a crew as one of the most important.

A crew that brings energy. Hands that help load/unload weights. Close spotting. Most importantly, a crew that KNOWS you..

I've been very blessed to have multiple gym crews at the various gyms I've trained at over the past 10 years. Every single group had the exact same qualities and expectations. NO ego #1. If you missed your top-set, you don't cry about it. Instead, you go help your teammates that are pouring just as much time and energy into you as everybody else.

You get better as a whole. Something about seeing your teammates be successful lights something inside you that in return makes you a better lifter/human being.

Any advice I could give, would be to find your crew. Find a solid 2-3 people who got you. People who's lifts are just as important to you as yours are theirs. You can only go so far without a crew.

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