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Lifter Profile: Zachary Blackmon

How I started competing, it was a guy name Charlie Miller from El Dorado Arkansas that first introduced it to me but I never really took it serious. I was always natural strong but I didn’t know how strong I was and I still don’t. But he kept on bugging me about doing it, so I ended up trying it. I loved benching which was my go to and my squat was okay and deadlift was coming along. So I entered in my first competition at his gym and just fell in love with it. Coming from being an athlete in high school to playing ball all year to not doing it anymore, it filled that empty space. Now that I’m into the fitness and health field the positivities from the sport are unreal. It also helps me deal with society better because I am a bad introvert at times and just amongst other things it helps bring me more peace. Plus I’ve met so many great people from competing, it's just a great sport to be a part of. What I feel like I’m giving back is the knowledge from the years I’ve been competing because no one really quite understands powerlifting nor the biomechanics behind it. And mainly introducing others to the sport once they find out what it’s all about.

A statement that I would like to share is…..Strength doesn’t have a look!

Lifts include Squat 440.9 Bench 303.1 Deadlift 529.1



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